A new challenge for the Ethics of Computing in the Ideas MarketPlace of the "new" Economics of Information

by Arturo Di Corinto
Sunday, June 7th
h 4.00 - 6.00 pm
Location: Cupola


Both Persuasive Computing and Surveillance Technologies represent a new mix of ideas and hi-tech devices that can be used to shape purchasing patterns, thinking attitudes and the overall behavior.

Should we care?
Should we oppose?

Persuasive Computing:
Computers can be Persuasive. They can be created to change attitudes and behaviours. CD-ROM can be created to persuade childrens to eat more fruit and vegetables and multimedia can be used to persuade to use condoms and have safe sex. Tracking softwares can be designed to induce office-workers not to use the web for their own`s sake or to persuade bartenders not to pour too much spirit in a cocktail. For sure they can be used for selfish or unethical purposes, accordingly to the user's and/or organizations' goals. Being aware of this goals, and of the underlying persuasive mechanisms embodied in software and hardware design, can help us to be less vulnerable to undesirable means of persuasion via computers. This is "our" goal.

Surveillance Technologies:
Huge databases store, compare, merge and transmit personal data in few seconds accross all over the world. They can be used to make consumers' profiles, to better direct political campaigns and to keep under surveillance social and political activists' groups. Who does own this data? Developing strategies to make personal information less vulnerable to the "electronic Eye" is our goal.

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